So Bikeman is back! with his freak in a basket....
I started of by using the "magic wand" tool (whilst holding shift) to separate each colour and save it as a new layer. This was a slow process with this image and took roughly five hours.
Once all the colours are separated they need to be turned black to be then printed onto acetate. There are four colours in this image (orange, red, light blue, dark blue) and each has a separate layer. As well as this an additional layer of the whole image un-separated is needed to cover up any gaps that the magic wand missed (this will be a slightly lighter colour than the rest of the image so none of the paper or t-shirt shows through)
Here's an example of two of the layers, with markers in each corner to help with alignment whilst printing :)
When term starts I will have access to the screen-printing studio, So Watch This Space for some fresh prints FOR SALE!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)